Top Three Trends in the Auto Market
When you construct as many auto dealerships as we have in recent years, you start to notice some trends across the landscape of the industry. At Mowery, we are seeing each respective brand modernize their facility and make them more customer-centric. We are also finding that facilities are getting creative on how to save energy which drives down their day-to-day operational costs. Take a look at these top trends we see emerging in the auto dealership industry.
Showroom and Waiting Areas
When your showrooms and waiting areas are comfortable and attractive, customers stay longer and have a higher tendency to spend money. They are also a happier customer. Even slight improvements to your furniture, lighting, paint or amenities can have a huge payback in terms of customers impressions. Amenities like coffee bars, televisions, comfortable seating, buffer walls and loaner tablets have been known to be successful. Visitors waiting for long periods of time want to be able to relax and enjoy the wait. With these amenities, customers can do just that, enjoy their wait.

Service Area Expansion
Providing areas for convenient and affordable service for your customers means more traffic, more value and more face time with your clients. When you show them that you can help them care for their vehicle, it is ultimately inferred that you truly care about them.
Service bays mean continual opportunity for revenue stream other than selling cars. Dealerships can see an additional $10,000 per month per lift in their service department. Looking to grow your business consider an improvement in the service department.

Energy Improvements
There are many areas of improvements both through retrofit and new construction which can save you money through energy efficiency. We are regularly seeing the following improvements which are resulting in real dollars for auto dealerships.
Common energy-saving measures at auto dealership facilities:
- Occupancy Sensors: turn lights off when the space is not in use
- LED Lighting: highly efficient, long-lasting lighting means less energy usage and less maintenance cost over the lifetime of your facility
- Waste Oil Heat: If you have a high service load and a lot of waste oil, that oil can be reclaimed and reused to heat your facility. This can reduce your overall heating cost.

At Mowery, we partner with the leading and top brands in the auto industry to create buildings – and experiences – that customers have come to expect during their car buying process. Ready to discuss your next construction project? Reach out to us today to find out how we can help you meet the needs of your customers.